1. Freedom of Information Act (2000), Freedom of Information Act: Elizabeth II, Chapter 36, The Stationery Office, London.
2. Modernising Government (1999), Cm 4310, The Stationery Office, London, available at: www.archive.official‐documents.co.uk/document/cm43/4310/4310.htm (accessed 11 April 2005).
3. MoReq Specification (2001), Model requirements for the management of electronic records. Cornwell Affiliates, available at: www.cornwell.co.uk/moreq (accessed 11 April 2005).
4. The National Archives (2002), “Functional requirements for electronic records management systems”, available at: www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/electronicrecords/function.htm (accessed 11 April 2005).