A phenomenological research study on writer’s block: causes, processes, and results


Bastug Muhammet,Ertem Ihsan Seyit,Keskin Hasan Kagan


Purpose The purpose of this paper is to investigate the causes, processes of writer’s block experienced by a group of classroom teacher candidates and its impact on them. Design/methodology/approach The phenomenological design, which is a qualitative research design, was preferred in the research since it was aimed to investigate the causes, processes of writer’s block experienced by a group of classroom teacher candidates and its effects on the students. Findings As a result of the data analysis, it is possible to suggest the limitations of subject and time, problems in the process of writing teaching since primary school, anxiety of being controlled and assessed by grades, fear of being criticized, negativity of classroom settings, lack of information about writing, not being able to read and shortcomings in the vocabulary as the causes of writer’s block. Research limitations/implications The research has some limitations. First, the research is only in the phenomenology design. Quantitative research is needed to determine the more common effects of outcomes. The other one is a limitation on the participants. A group of adult teacher candidates constitute the participants of this research. Writer’s block of students at different age levels can be examined longitudinally. Nevertheless, the results of the research have the theoretical implications for teaching writing. It specifically guides to understand and eliminate negative affective factors related to writing. Practical implications The results of this research have practical implications in terms of classroom practices. The results of the study show that there are practical implications for what should be considered in classroom writing teaching and to prevent the writer’s block. Originality/value Writer’s block is an affective state and the examination of it is important in terms of writing instruction. Many students suffer from writer’s block. However, this subject is neglected by writing researchers and educators. The authors expect the results to guide teachers and writing education researchers. Because of these reasons, this study is important and gives good contribution to literature.




Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous),Education,Life-span and Life-course Studies

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