Schemebuilder: computer aided knowledge based design of mechatronic systems


Counsell Ian Porter David Dawson John,Duffy Marcus


Introduces the need for engineering knowledge management tools for storing past solutions and expert knowledge for the design of automatic precision machinery. The design of this type of machine, which is heavily utilised in modern manufacturing industry, is very complex, time‐consuming and potentially expensive. Describes the design and functionality of a novel computer aided rapid prototyping tool named Schemebuilder. The design is traced from its philosophical origins in the “Theory of domains” and how this can be used by the designer with the aid of the computer. The application of this underlining methodology for the design of precision machinery employing feedback control systems is also described. Finally an example is shown for the design of a control system for precise position control of a glass bottle making machine.




Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering,Control and Systems Engineering

Reference10 articles.

1. Andreasen, M.M. (1980), “Syntesemetoder på systemgrundlag”, PhD thesis, Lunds Tekniska Högskola.

2. Bracewell, R.H., Chaplin, R.V., Langdon, P.M., Li, M., Oh, V.K., Sharpe, J.E.E. and Yan, X.T. (1995), “Integrated platform for AI support of complex design (part I): rapid development of schemes from first principles”, Proceedings of CACD’95, Lancaster, Springer‐Verlag, New York, NY.

3. Bradley, D.A., Dawson, D., Burd, N.C. and Loader, A.J. (1991), Mechatronics: Electronics in Products and Processes, Chapman & Hall, London.

4. Counsell, J.M. and Porter, I.D. (1998), “Schemebuilder mechatronics: design principles for controller design”, in Bath Workshop on Power Transmission & Motion Control, Bath.

5. French, M.J. (1985), Conceptual Design for Engineers, Design Council Books..

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