1. Australian Manufacturing Council (AMC) Study (1994), Leading the Way: A Study of Best Manufacturing Practices in Australia and New Zealand, 2nd ed., Australian Manufacturing Council, pp. 59‐63.
2. Barker, K.J. and Cagwin, D. (2000), “New evidence relating TQM to financial performance: an empirical study of manufacturing firms”, faculty working paper, Lander University, Greenwood, SC.
3. Buzzell, R.D. and Gale, B.T. (1989), The PIMS Principles, Free Press, New York, NY.
4. Cagwin, D. (2000), “The association of separate and concurrent use of activity‐based costing, total quality management and business process reengineering with improvement in financial performance”, faculty working paper, Lander University, Greenwood, SC.
5. Crosby, P.B. (1979), Quality is Free: The Art of Making Quality Certain, New American Library, New York, NY.