1. The decline of apprenticeship training in Britain
2. Does the Concept of Apprenticeship still have Relevance as a Model of Skill Formation and Vocational Learning in Contemporary Society?
3. QAA (2008), “The framework for higher education qualifications in England, Wales and Northern Ireland”, The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education, available at: www.qaa.ac.uk/Publications/InformationAndGuidance/Pages/The‐framework‐for‐higher‐education‐qualifications‐in‐England‐Wales‐and‐Northern‐Ireland.aspx (accessed 14 April 2011).
4. Tolleyfield, H. (2011), “Times higher education awards 2011”, Times Higher Education, available at: http://europe.nxtbook.com/nxteu/tsl/THE_winners2011/index.php?startid=15 (accessed 22 May 2012).
5. Survival and Decline of the Apprenticeship System in the Australian and UK Construction Industries