1. ABC30 (2017), “Clovis police hold adorable fundraiser for K9 unit”, KFSN, New York, NY, March 30, available at: http://abc30.com/society/clovis-police-hold-adorable-fundraiser-for-k9-unit/1826204/http%3A%2F%2Fabc30.com%2F1826204%2F
2. Annear, S. (2014), “Boston police puppy cop ‘Tuco’ captures the hearts of pretty much everyone”, Boston Magazine, October 27, available at: www.bostonmagazine.com/news/blog/2014/10/27/boston-police-k-9-puppy-photo/ (accessed October 1, 2017).
3. Baker, P. (2016), “Vancouver police department’s 2017 calendar goes on sale”, Global News, Vancouver, November 2, available at: http://globalnews.ca/news/3042393/vancouver-police-departments-2017-dog-calendar-goes-on-sale/
4. Barry County’s Sheriff’s Office (2017), “K-9 unit”, available at: http://barryco.readyhosting.com/sheriff/K-9.htm (accessed October 1, 2017).