1. British Beer and Pub Association (2008), “A wake‐up for Westminster”, available at: www.beerandpub.com/documents/publications/industry/Wake%20up%20for%20Westminster%20FINAL.pdf (accessed 10 June 2011).
2. Business and Enterprise Committee (2009), “Pub companies”, available at: www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm/cmberr.htm (accessed 15 June 2011).
3. Champ, H. (2011a), “Punch splits managed and leased divisions after strategic review”, available at: www.thepublican.com/story.asp?sectioncode=7&storycode=69246 (accessed 16 June 2011).
4. Champ, H. (2011b), “Enterprise sells three pubs in latest sale and leaseback auction”, available at: www.thepublican.com/story.asp?sectioncode=7&storycode=69277 (accessed 16 June 2011).
5. CIPD (2005), “Managing change: the role of the psychological contract”, available at: www.cipd.co.uk/hr‐resources (accessed 16 May 2010).