1. Pires, J.N. (2000a), “Object‐oriented and distributed programming of robotic and automation equipment”,Industrial Robot, An International Journal.
2. Pires, J.N. (2000b), “Interfacing robotic and automation equipment with matlab”,IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, September.
3. Pires, J.N. and Sá da Costa, J.M.G. (2000), “Object oriented and distributed approach for programming robotic manufacturing cells”,IFAC Journal on Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing.
4. Pires, J.N., Godinho, T. and Ferreira, P. (2002), “CAD interface for automatic robot welding programming”,Sensor Review Journal.
5. Visual C++.NET (2003),Programmers Reference, Microsoft, 2003, (reference can be found at Microsoft's Web site in the Visual C++.NET location).