1. ACAG (2009), “Role of the Auditor‐General”, Australasian Council of Auditors‐General, available at: www.acag.org.au/roag.htm (accessed 26 April 2010).
2. ADB (2009a), ADB Support for Public Sector Reforms in the Pacific Enhance Results Through Ownership, Capacity and Continuity, Independent Evaluation Department, Asian Development Bank, Manila.
3. ADB (2009b), Vanuatu: Country Partnership Strategy (2010‐2014): Sustaining Growth: A Private Sector Assessment for Vanuatu, Draft for Consultation, August, Asian Development Bank, Manila.
4. AGO (1983), Report of the Auditor‐General on the Accounts of the Government of the Republic of Vanuatu for the Financial Year 1981 and 1982, November, Vanuatu National Audit Office, Port Vila.
5. AGO (1985), Report of the Auditor‐General on the Accounts of the Government of the Republic of Vanuatu for the Financial Year 1984, August, Vanuatu National Audit Office, Port Vila.