1. Crowson, R.L. and Morris, V.C. "Administrative Control in Largecity-school Systems: An Investigation in Chicago". Paper presented at the annual general meeting of the American Educational Research Association. New Orleans. 1984; Duke,D.L.and Stiggens, R.J. "Evaluating the Performance of Principals: A Descriptive Study" Educational Administration Quarterly. 21,4.1985. pp.71-98; Morris, V.C., Crowson, R.L., Porter-Gehrie, C. and Hurwitz, E., Jr. Principals inAction: The Reality of Managing Schools. Columbus, OH. Charles E. Merrill. 1984; Murphy, J., Hallinger, P. and Peterson, K.D. "The Administrative Control of Principals in Effective School Districts: The Supervision and Evaluation Functions" The Urban Review. 18.1986. pp. 149-175; Peterson, K.D. "Mechanisms of Administrative Control over Managers inEducational Organizations" Administrative Science Quarterly. 29. 1984. pp. 573-597.
2. Hallinger, P. "Review of the School Effectiveness Research". Paper prepared for the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. 1981; Hersch,R.H."What Makes Some Schools and Teachers More Effective?" Draft. Unpublished manuscript.1981; Murphy, J., Hallinger, P. and Mesa, R.P. "SchoolEffectiveness: Checking Progress and Assumptions and Developing aRole for State and Federal Government" Teachers College Record. 86,4. 1985. pp.615-641; Purkey, S.C. and Smith, M.S. "EffectiveSchools: A Review". Paper prepared for presentation at a conference on the implications of research on teaching for practice. NIE, Warrenton. VA. February 1982.
3. School District Organization and Student Achievement