1. 1Chadwick, A.L., “Surface finishing of stereolithography models used as patterns for rapid tooling techniques”, BEng dissertation (supervised by R.C. Cobb), Department of Manufacturing Engineering, University of Nottingham, June 1996.
2. 2Dickens, P.M., “Rapid finishing and tooling”, internal report, Rapid Prototyping Research Group ‐ University of Nottingham, January 1994.
3. 3Trowmans, G. and Winpenny, D., Rapid manufacturing”, 4th European Conference on Rapid Prototyping & Manufacturing, University of Nottingham, Belgirate, Italy, 13‐15 June 1995.
4. 4Carter, C., “An investigation into extending the life of sprayed metal tools produced by rapid tooling methods for use in the injection moulding plastics industry”, BEng dissertation (supervised by R.C. Cobb), Department of Manufacturing Engineering, University of Nottingham, June 1996.
5. 5Cobb, R.C., Spencer, J.D. and Dickens, P.M., “Better surface finishing techniques for RPT is a must”, Proceedings of the 2nd Scandinavian Rapid Prototyping Conference, Danish Technological Institute, Aarhus, Denmark, 4‐6 October 1993.