Costers Look,Koopman Sjoerd
The aim of the RAPDOC project is to establish a system for the
rapid electronic delivery of journal articles in full text to libraries
and end‐users. Pica is currently co‐operating with 19 major libraries in
The Netherlands on this project. On the basis of analyses of the
existing interlibrary loan system, a core collection of 7,000 journal
titles has been determined which is expected to fulfil 85 per cent of
all requests for articles. Bibliographic information on all articles in
the core collection will be added to the central database, providing an
effective, in‐depth index to these journals. In addition to central
storage, data will be downloaded to relevant local library systems.
Speed of delivery is a major goal and at a later stage documents will be
imaged electronically and delivered via SURFnet – the Dutch
research network.
Library and Information Sciences
Cited by
4 articles.