1. Ashworth, G.J. (1993), “Marketing of places: what are we doing?”, in Ave, G. and Corsico, F. (Eds), Urban Marketing in Europe, Ed. Torino Incontra, Torino, pp. 643‐9.
2. Ashworth, G.J. and Voogd, H. (1990), Selling the City: Marketing Approaches in Public Sector Urban Planning, Belhaven Press, London.
3. Association of Town Centre Management (1994), The Effectiveness of Town Centre Management, Association of Town Centre Management, London.
4. Association of Town Centre Management (1996), The Way Ahead, About Town: Balancing the Issues of Town Centre Management, Association of Town Centre Management, London.
5. Association of Town Centre Management (1998), Getting it Right: A Good Practice Guide to Successful TCM Initiatives, Association of Town Centre Management, London.