1. Audit Commission (2001), Changing Gear – Best Value Statement 2001, Audit Commission, London.
2. Benstead, K. (2003), “Alternative methods of library service delivery to rural communities in England: an assessment of the impact of best value, social inclusion and the Public Library Standards”, MA dissertation, Department of Information Science, Loughborough University, Loughborough.
3. Capital Planning Information Ltd (1993), Library and Information Provision in Rural Areas in England and Wales: A Report to the Department of National Heritage and the British Library Research and Development Department, HMSO, London.
4. Countryside Agency (2000a), Not Seen, Not Heard? Social Exclusion in Rural Areas, Countryside Agency Publications, Wetherby.
5. Countryside Agency (2000b), “Rural services in 2000”, available at: www.countryside.gov.uk/Images/CA%2048_tcm2‐16475.pdf (accessed 2 June 2004).