1. Brewerton, A. (1997), “Selling academic libraries”, The Bookseller, 5 September, p. 27.
2. Brewerton, A. (2001), “Inspirational marketing … available now from Oxford Brookes University Library”, SCONUL Newsletter, No. 24, Winter, pp. 18‐24.
3. Brewerton, A. (2002a), “Making our Web site a hit: how Oxford Brookes University wove a Web marketing programme”, Managing Information, Vol. 9 No. 1, January/February, pp. 34‐5.
4. Brewerton, A. (2002b), “Freshers’ Fair – your chance to inspire new students”, Public Eye, No. 57, Spring, pp. 1‐2.
5. CILIP Update (2002), “Public relations and publicity”, Vol. 1 No. 9, December, p. 11; see also “Libraries lead the way in innovative and imaginative marketing and publicity”, available at: www.cilip.org.uk/news/021101d.html (accessed February 2002) and “The CILIP/Emerald Public Relations and Publicity Awards, Category 1: Promotional Campaigns with a budget under £500”, available at: www.cilip.org.uk/practice/awards/prpa/cat1_2002.html (accessed February 2002).