1. Brack, V., Gilby, J., Gillis, H. and Hogg, M. (2001), “Clumps come up trumps”,Ariadne, No. 26, available at: www.ariadne.ac.uk/issue26/clumps26/.
2. Dietz, R. and Noerr, K. (2004), “One‐stop searching bridges the digital divide”,Information Today, Vol. 21 No. 7, p. 24.
3. Dovey, M. (2000), “So you want to build a union catalogue?”,Ariadne, No. 23, available at: www.ariadne.ac.uk/issue23/dovey/intro.html.
4. Clumps and collection description in the information environment in the UK with particular reference to Scotland
5. Z39.50 and personal bibliographic software