1. Chisman, J. (2001), “Usability testing and SFX”, e‐mail to Jenny Walker (jwalker@exlibris‐usa.com), 21 December.
2. Chisman, J., Cummings, J., McCord, S. and Webb, J. (2001), “One stop shopping (almost): SFX at Washington State University”, paper presented at the Washington and Oregon Chapters of the Association of College and Research Libraries Fall 2001 Conference.
3. Ex Libris (2001), “SFX: context‐sensitive reference linking”, training version 1_2, Ex Libris, 7‐8 June, Watertown MA.
4. Johnson, R. and McCord, S. (2001), “SFX: linking the libraries’ resources”, available at: www.systems.wsu.edu/bin/libdocs/e‐resources/SFXGuide.pdf
5. Koehler, W. (2002), “Web page change and persistence – a four‐year longitudinal study”, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 53 No. 2, pp. 162‐71.