1. American Foundation for the Blind (2001),Quick Facts and Figures on Blindness and Low Vision, New York, NY.
2. Burgstahler, S., Comden, D. and Fraser, B.M. (1997), “Universal access: designing and evaluating Web sites for accessibility”,Choice, Vol. 34, Supplement, pp. 19‐22.
3. Casey, C.A. (1999), “Accessibility in the virtual library: creating equal opportunity Web sites”,Information Technology and Libraries, Vol. 18 No. 1, pp. 22‐5.
4. Coombs, N. (2000), “Enabling technologies. Untangling your Web”,Library Hi Tech, Vol. 18 No. 1, pp. 93‐6.
5. Levelling the road ahead: Guidelines for the creation of www pages accessible to blind and visually handicapped users