1. AIAC joint statement (2020), available at: www.oic.wa.gov.au/materials/AIAC%20joint%20statement_6%20May%202020.pdf (accessed 6 October 2022).
2. ALGIM (2020), “ALGIM Inc – COVID-19 spurs web innovation at local councils”, available at: www.algim.org.nz/news/8946770 (accessed 6 October 2022).
3. ARANZ (n.d.), “Advice on retention and disposal of information collected during the COVID-19 pandemic | ARANZ”, available at: www.aranz.org.nz/news-and-events/read/61 (accessed 6 October 2022).
4. Archives New Zealand (2020a), “Managing information during COVID-19 – archives New Zealand”, available at: www.archives.govt.nz/manage-information/updates-for-information-managers/information-management-during-covid-19 (accessed 6 October 2022).
5. Archives New Zealand (2020b), “Request to information management practitioners”, available at: www.archives.govt.nz/about-us/whats-new/covid-19-request-to-information-management-practitioners (accessed 7 May 2022).