1. Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Department of Geology, Kerman,
2. International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Tehran,
<p>Empirical relationships for magnitude scales and fault parameters were produced using 436 Iranian intraplate earthquakes of recently regional databases since the continental events represent a large portion of total seismicity of Iran. The relations between different source parameters of the earthquakes were derived using input information which has usefully been provided from the databases after 1900. Suggested equations for magnitude scales relate the body-wave, surface-wave as well as local magnitude scales to scalar moment of the earthquakes. Also, dependence of source parameters as surface and subsurface rupture length and maximum surface displacement on the moment magnitude for some well documented earthquakes was investigated. For meeting this aim, ordinary linear regression procedures were employed for all relations. Our evaluations reveal a fair agreement between obtained relations and equations described in other worldwide and regional works in literature. The <em>M</em><span><em><sub>0</sub></em></span><em>-m</em><span><em><sub>b </sub></em></span>and<em> M</em><span><em><sub>0</sub></em></span><em>-M</em><span><em><sub>S</sub> </em></span>equations are correlated well to the worldwide relations. Also, both<em> M</em><span><em><sub>0</sub></em></span><em>-M</em><span><em><sub>S </sub></em></span>and<em> M</em><span><em><sub>0</sub></em></span><em>-M</em><span><em><sub>L </sub></em></span>relations have a good agreement with regional studies in Taiwan. The equations derived from this study mainly confirm the results of the global investigations about rupture length of historical and instrumental events. However, some relations like<em> M</em><span><em><sub>W</sub></em></span><em>-M</em><span><em><sub>N</sub> </em></span>and<em> M</em><span><em><sub>N</sub></em></span><em>-M</em><span><em><sub>L</sub> </em></span>which are remarkably unlike to available regional works (e.g., American and Canadian) were also found.</p>
Instituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, INGV
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