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2. Galbraith J.K. The economics of innocent fraud: Truth for our time. Boston: Houghton Miffin Co.; 2004. 62 p. (Russ. ed.: Galbraith J. K. Ekonomika nevinnogo obmana. Pravda nashego vremeni. Moscow: Eksmo; 2019. 124 p.).
3. Polychroniou C. J. Financialization has turned the global economy into a house of cards: An interview with Gerald Epstein. Other News: Voices against the Tide. July 24, 2017. URL: http://www.other-news.info/2017/07/financialization-has-turned-the-global-economy-into-a-house-of-cards/
4. Perez C. Technological revolutions and financial capital: The dynamics of bubbles and golden ages. Northampton: Edward Elgar Publ.; 2003. 224 p. (Russ. ed.: Perez C. Tekhnologicheskie revolyutsii i finansovyi kapital. Dinamika puzyrei i periodov protsvetaniya. Moscow: Delo; 2013. 232 p.).
5. Stiglitz J. E. People, power, and profits: Progressive capitalism for an age of discontent. New York: W. W. Norton & Co.; 2019. 366 p. (Russ. ed.: Stiglitz J. E. Lyudi, vlast’ i pribyl’: Progressivnyi kapitalizm v epokhu massovogo nedovol’stva. Moscow: Alpina Publisher; 2020. 430 p.).