1. Roover R. de. How double bookkeeping arose. Moscow: Gosfinizdat; 1958. 68 p. (In Russ.).
2. Richard D. Irwin Studies in the History of Accounting. London: Sweet & Maxwell; 1956. 392 p.
3. Needles B., Anderson H., Caldwell D. Principles of Accounting. Moscow: Finance and Statistics; 1994. 497 c. (In Russ.).
4. Mathews M. R., Perera M. H.B. Theory of Accounting. Moscow: UNITI; 1999. 664 p. (In Russ.).
5. Hendriksen E. S., Van Breda M. F. Theory of Accounting. Moscow: Finance and Statistics; 1997. 567 p. (In Russ.).