Analyzing the Problems and Opportunities of Reference Pricing for the Use by State Government and Local Self-Government Bodies in Procurement Activities and Housing Development


Rovbel R. L.ORCID


The problem of increasing transparency and elimination of corruption component in procurement is the most acute in the recent 10 years. The purpose of this study is to analyse the changes in the methods of calculating the initial (maximum) contract price (IMCP) through the introduction of reference prices and the analysis of the possibility of using reference pricing in the residential real estate market in the construction of social housing by the state. For reference pricing, prices for similar products are used for comparison. To achieve the given goal, there was carried an analysis of the legal act in the healthcare sector, which entered into force in October 2017 (Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated 26.10.2017 No. 871n “On approval of the procedure for determining the initial (maximum price) contract, the price of the contract concluded with a single supplier (contractor, performer), in the procurement of medicines for medical use”) and for the first time containing the concept of “reference price”, and also there were identified the main shortcomings of the existing unified state information system in the field of healthcare, which is proposed to be used as a basis for calculating reference prices and to other areas of procurement activities, in addition to healthcare. As a result of the conducted study, the methodology of reference pricing in the housing market was presented, and a proposal was made to attract evaluating companies and the institute of evaluation in general to carry out calculations on the economic value formation of different housing types for a particular segment of consumers. Transfer to the institute of evaluation of all issues, concerning reference pricing in the public housing construction market will enable to improve the level and quality of life of the population and to minimize the budget due to the increase in the price reliability level. 


Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation


General Medicine

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