Analysis of the Impact of External Shocks on the Russian Banking System in the XXI Century


Kochetovskaya O. S.1ORCID


1. Lomonosov Moscow State University


The main objective of the study was the identification of the key channel of impact of positive and negative external shocks on the Russian banking system for the period from 2000 to 2017. In conducting the study the author used systematic and statistical methods of analysis. Throughout the named period, the banking sector of Russia was always under the influence of one or another external shock: rising and falling oil prices; favorable conditions for obtaining financing on the global capital market; the global financial and economic crisis; the European debt crisis; the tapering of the quantitative easing policy in the USA; sanctions imposed on Russia by the Western countries. In the pre-crisis period, capital inflows became the main channel for the transmission of external shock. In the course of the European debt crisis, problems with attracting external financing became a key channel for the transfer of external shock. During the global crisis and the crisis of 2014–2016 the channels of transmission of external shocks to the banking sector of Russia, despite various causes, were in many ways similar. So, the main channels were the outflow of capital, the restriction of external financing, the collapse of the ruble exchange rate, and the state of confidence in the banking sector.


Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

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