The article provides definitions of economic and financial culture. Based on a comparative analysis of the theories of foreign and Russian scientists, we identified three main approaches to the definition of the concept of “financial culture” culturological, behavioural, and futurological. The authors consider the financial culture of modern Russia as a complex and internally contradictory complex of traditions, moral and ethical norms and rules of economic and economic activity in conditions of societal transformation that has seldom stopped over the past twenty years. In the definitions of economic and financial culture, the authors noted discursive and practical elements. Also, two main components are identified based on the definition of the studied types of cultures: shared cultural practices and shared cultural interpretation. Further, we outlined the task of research in financial and economic culture, which consists of analysing the impact of cultural practices and cultural phenomena on economic processes. The article provides an example of the study of social practices, describes the qualitative methods of studying financial and economic culture, including the scenario approach, identifies the place of discourse analysis in the study of financial and economic culture.
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
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