Socio-Psychological Technologies for Personal Security in the BANI-World


Pryazhnikova E. Yu.1ORCID,Kandaurova A. V.2ORCID


1. Financial University

2. Herzen University


The paper’s goal is to update socio-psychological technologies for personal security in the Brittle Anxious Nonlinear Incomprehensible (BANI) world. To accomplish this, the following tasks need to be completed: determining the essence of the BANI world, proving the feasibility of socio-psychological security, clarifying the content of socio-psychological technologies, and determining their role in ensuring personal security in the BANI world. The authors used results of scientific research and modern press, researched methods of analysis and content analysis of interdisciplinary publications on this issue; methods of systematization, extrapolation, design and modeling, theoretical generalization. Theories and concepts of social interaction that inherently include a person serve as the basis for the content and classification of socio-psychological technologies for personal security in the BANI world. The study analyzes the socio-psychological technologies of three groups from the perspective of representing security at three levels (cognitive, affective, and conative). The authors consider the possibilities of information and communication technologies as a promising direction for providing socio-psychological assistance.


Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

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