1. Lomonosov Moscow State University
This paper proposes a method of comparing the prices of European options, based on the use of probabilistic metrics, with respect to two models of price dynamics: Bachelier and Samuelson. In contrast to other studies on the subject, we consider two classes of options: European options with a Lipschitz continuous payout function and European options with a bounded payout function. For these classes, the following suitable probability metrics are chosen: the Fortet-Maurier metric, the total variation metric, and the Kolmogorov metric. It is proved that their computation can be reduced to computation of the Lambert in case of the Fortet-Mourier metric, and to the solution of a nonlinear equation in other cases. A statistical estimation of the model parameters in the modern oil market gives the order of magnitude of the error, including the magnitude of sensitivity of the option price, to the change in the volatility.
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation