Specific Features of the Technological Development of Russia under Conditions of the Evolving Digital Economy


Pogodina T. V.1


1. Financial University, Moscow


The subject of the research is the key stages, specifics and branches of the digital economy; foreign experience in the development of the digital economy and the utilization of the digital economy models and trends in the USA and China; technological platforms in Russia used in medicine, biotechnologies, data communication and aerospace technologies. The purpose of the research was to identify problems associated with insufficient upgrading of technological platforms as evidenced by the decreasing share of organizations implementing technological innovations in various activities. Based on the analysis, the factors contributing to the development of regional innovation systems have been identified and assessed in the context of the Russian federal districts. It is concluded that the insufficient development of the national innovation system is largely due to the poor coordination of regional innovation systems, the lack of interlinks and the underdeveloped technological base.


Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

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