Multidimensional high-harmonic echo spectroscopy: Resolving coherent electron dynamics in the EUV regime


Jiang Shicheng1ORCID,Gudem Mahesh2ORCID,Kowalewski Markus2ORCID,Dorfman Konstantin134ORCID


1. State Key Laboratory of Precision Spectroscopy, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China

2. Department of Physics, Stockholm University, Albanova University Centre, Stockholm SE-106 91, Sweden

3. Center for Theoretical Physics and School of Sciences, Hainan University, Haikou 570228, China

4. Himalayan Institute for Advanced Study, Unit of Gopinath Seva Foundation, Rishikesh 249201, India


We theoretically propose a multidimensional high-harmonic echo spectroscopy technique which utilizes strong optical fields to resolve coherent electron dynamics spanning an energy range of multiple electronvolts. Using our recently developed semi-perturbative approach, we can describe the coherent valence electron dynamics driven by a sequence of phase-matched and well-separated short few-cycle strong infrared laser pulses. The recombination of tunnel-ionized electrons by each pulse coherently populates the valence states of a molecule, which allows for a direct observation of its dynamics via the high harmonic echo signal. The broad bandwidth of the effective dipole between valence states originated from the strong-field excitation results in nontrivial ultra-delayed partial rephasing echo, which is not observed in standard two-dimensional optical spectroscopic techniques in a two-level molecular systems. We demonstrate the results of simulations for the anionic molecular system and show that the ultrafast valence electron dynamics can be well captured with femtosecond resolution.


MOST | National Natural Science Foundation of China

111 Plan | Overseas Expertise Introduction Project for Discipline Innovation


Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences



Reference52 articles.







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