Sum frequency generation, calculation of absolute intensities, comparison with experiments, and two-field relaxation-based derivation


Niu Kai,Marcus Rudolph A.


The experimental sum frequency generation (SFG) spectrum is the response to an infrared pulse and a visible pulse and is a highly surface-sensitive technique. We treat the surface dangling OH bonds at the air/water interface and focus on the absolute SFG intensities for the resonant terms, a focus that permits insight into the consequences of some approximations. For the polarization combinations, the calculated linewidths for the water interface dangling OH SFG band at 3,700 cm1 are, as usual, too large, because of the customary neglect of motional narrowing. The integrated spectrum is used to circumvent this problem and justified here using a Kubo-like formalism and theoretical integrated band intensities rather than peak intensities. Only relative SFG intensities are usually reported. The absolute integrated SFG intensities for three polarization combinations for sum frequency, visible, and infrared beams are computed. We use molecular dynamics and the dipole and the polarizability matrix elements obtained from infrared and Raman studies of H2O vapor. The theoretical expressions for two of the absolute susceptibilities contain only a single term and agree with experiment to about a factor of 1.3, with no adjustable parameters. The Fresnel factors are included in that comparison. One of the susceptibilities contains instead four positive and negative terms and agrees less well. The expression for the SFG correlation function is normally derived from a statistical mechanical formulation using a time-evolving density matrix. We show how a derivation based on a two-field relaxation leads to the same final result.


National Science Foundation

Tianjin University of Science and Technology


Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences



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