Humboldt’sTableau Physiquerevisited


Moret PierreORCID,Muriel PriscillaORCID,Jaramillo RicardoORCID,Dangles OlivierORCID


Alexander von Humboldt’sTableau Physique(1807) has been one of the most influential diagrams in the history of environmental sciences. In particular, detailed observations of the altitudinal distribution of plant species in the equatorial Andes, depicted on a cross-section of Mt. Chimborazo, allowed Humboldt to establish the concept of vegetation belt, thereby laying the foundations of biogeography. Surprisingly, Humboldt’s original data have never been critically revisited, probably due to the difficulty of gathering and interpreting dispersed archives. By unearthing and analyzing overlooked historical documents, we show that the top section of theTableau Physique, above the tree line, is an intuitive construct based on unverified and therefore partly false field data that Humboldt constantly tried to revise in subsequent publications. This finding has implications for the documentation of climate change effects in the tropical Andes. We found that Humboldt’s primary plant data above tree line were mostly collected on Mt. Antisana, not Chimborazo, which allows a comparison with current records. Our resurvey at Mt. Antisana revealed a 215- to 266-m altitudinal shift over 215 y. This estimate is about twice lower than previous estimates for the region but is consistent with the 10- to 12-m/decade upslope range shift observed worldwide. Our results show the cautious approach needed to interpret historical data and to use them as a resource for documenting environmental changes. They also profoundly renew our understanding of Humboldt’s scientific thinking, methods, and modern relevance.


Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences



Reference39 articles.

1. N. A. Rupke , Alexander von Humboldt: A Meta-Biography (University of Chicago Press, 2008).

2. S. T. Jackson , “Introduction: Humboldt, ecology, and the Cosmos” in Essay on the Geography of Plants, S. T. Jackson , Ed. (University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 2009), pp. 1–52.

3. A. von Humboldt , A. Bonpland , Essai sur la géographie des plantes, accompagné d’un tableau physique des régions équinoxiales (Levrault & Schoell, Paris, 1807).

4. N. Güttler , “Drawing the line: Mapping cultivated plants and seeing nature in Nineteenth-Century plant geography” in New Perspectives on the History of Life Sciences and Agriculture, D. Phillips , S. Kingsland , Eds. (Springer, New York, 2015), pp. 27–52.

5. M. C. Ebach , Origins of biogeography. The role of biological classification in early plant and animal geography (Springer, Dordrecht, 2015).

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