Thermophotovoltaic power conversion utilizes thermal radiation from a local heat source to generate electricity in a photovoltaic cell. It was shown in recent years that the addition of a highly reflective rear mirror to a solar cell maximizes the extraction of luminescence. This, in turn, boosts the voltage, enabling the creation of record-breaking solar efficiency. Now we report that the rear mirror can be used to create thermophotovoltaic systems with unprecedented high thermophotovoltaic efficiency. This mirror reflects low-energy infrared photons back into the heat source, recovering their energy. Therefore, the rear mirror serves a dual function; boosting the voltage and reusing infrared thermal photons. This allows the possibility of a practical >50% efficient thermophotovoltaic system. Based on this reflective rear mirror concept, we report a thermophotovoltaic efficiency of 29.1 ± 0.4% at an emitter temperature of 1,207 °C.
Department of Energy Light Matter Interactions in Energy Conversion Energy Frontier Research Center
Department of Energy Photonics at Thermodynamic Limit Energy Frontier Research Center
Kavli Energy Nanoscience Institute
Alliance for Sustainable Energy LLC, funding provided by U.S. department of Energy Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Solar Technologies Office
W. M. Keck Foundation
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
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164 articles.