Leaping eels electrify threats, supporting Humboldt’s account of a battle with horses


Catania Kenneth C.


In March 1800, Alexander von Humboldt observed the extraordinary spectacle of native fisherman collecting electric eels (Electrophorus electricus) by “fishing with horses” [von Humboldt A (1807)Ann Phys25:34–43]. The strategy was to herd horses into a pool containing electric eels, provoking the eels to attack by pressing themselves against the horses while discharging. Once the eels were exhausted, they could be safely collected. This legendary tale of South American adventures helped propel Humboldt to fame and has been recounted and illustrated in many publications, but subsequent investigators have been skeptical, and no similar eel behavior has been reported in more than 200 years. Here I report a defensive eel behavior that supports Humboldt’s account. The behavior consists of an approach and leap out of the water during which the eel presses its chin against a threatening conductor while discharging high-voltage volleys. The effect is to short-circuit the electric organ through the threat, with increasing power diverted to the threat as the eel attains greater height during the leap. Measurement of voltages and current during the behavior, and assessment of the equivalent circuit, reveal the effectiveness of the behavior and the basis for its natural selection.


NSF | BIO | Division of Integrative Organismal Systems


Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences



Reference44 articles.

1. Jagd und Kampf der electrischen Aale mit Pferden. Aus den Reiseberichten des Hrn. Freiherrn Alexander v. Humboldt

2. Versuche über die electrischen Fische

3. Schomburgk RH (1843) Ichthyology. Fishes of Guiana, Part II, ed Jardine WB (The Naturalists Library, London), Vol XL.

4. Du Bois-Reymond E (1849) Untersuchungen über Thierische Electricität (Verlag von G. Reimer, Berlin).

5. Sachs C (1881) Untersuchungen am Zitteraal, Gymnotus electricus . Nach Seinem Tode, ed du Bois-Reymond E (Veit, Leipzig).








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