Mammalian face as an evolutionary novelty


Higashiyama HirokiORCID,Koyabu Daisuke,Hirasawa TatsuyaORCID,Werneburg Ingmar,Kuratani Shigeru,Kurihara Hiroki


The anterior end of the mammalian face is characteristically composed of a semimotile nose, not the upper jaw as in other tetrapods. Thus, the therian nose is covered ventrolaterally by the “premaxilla,” and the osteocranium possesses only a single nasal aperture because of the absence of medial bony elements. This stands in contrast to those in other tetrapods in whom the premaxilla covers the rostral terminus of the snout, providing a key to understanding the evolution of the mammalian face. Here, we show that the premaxilla in therian mammals (placentals and marsupials) is not entirely homologous to those in other amniotes; the therian premaxilla is a composite of the septomaxilla and the palatine remnant of the premaxilla of nontherian amniotes (including monotremes). By comparing topographical relationships of craniofacial primordia and nerve supplies in various tetrapod embryos, we found that the therian premaxilla is predominantly of the maxillary prominence origin and associated with mandibular arch. The rostral-most part of the upper jaw in nonmammalian tetrapods corresponds to the motile nose in therian mammals. During development, experimental inhibition of primordial growth demonstrated that the entire mammalian upper jaw mostly originates from the maxillary prominence, unlike other amniotes. Consistently, cell lineage tracing in transgenic mice revealed a mammalian-specific rostral growth of the maxillary prominence. We conclude that the mammalian-specific face, the muzzle, is an evolutionary novelty obtained by overriding ancestral developmental constraints to establish a novel topographical framework in craniofacial mesenchyme.


Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

JRPs-LEAD with German Research Foundation

City University of Hong Kong Start-up Grant

JSPS: Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas

Core Research for Evolutional Science and Technology of the Japan Science and Technology Agency


Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences



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