Quantum teleportation of physical qubits into logical code spaces


Luo Yi-Han,Chen Ming-Cheng,Erhard Manuel,Zhong Han-Sen,Wu Dian,Tang Hao-Yang,Zhao Qi,Wang Xi-Lin,Fujii Keisuke,Li Li,Liu Nai-Le,Nemoto Kae,Munro William J.,Lu Chao-Yang,Zeilinger Anton,Pan Jian-Wei


Quantum error correction is an essential tool for reliably performing tasks for processing quantum information on a large scale. However, integration into quantum circuits to achieve these tasks is problematic when one realizes that nontransverse operations, which are essential for universal quantum computation, lead to the spread of errors. Quantum gate teleportation has been proposed as an elegant solution for this. Here, one replaces these fragile, nontransverse inline gates with the generation of specific, highly entangled offline resource states that can be teleported into the circuit to implement the nontransverse gate. As the first important step, we create a maximally entangled state between a physical and an error-correctable logical qubit and use it as a teleportation resource. We then demonstrate the teleportation of quantum information encoded on the physical qubit into the error-corrected logical qubit with fidelities up to 0.786. Our scheme can be designed to be fully fault tolerant so that it can be used in future large-scale quantum technologies.


Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences



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