Ancestral genetic variation in phenotypic plasticity underlies rapid evolutionary changes in resurrected populations of waterfleas


Landy J. AlexORCID,Oschmann Alixander,Munch Stephan B.,Walsh Matthew R.


The role of phenotypic plasticity in adaptive evolution has been debated for decades. This is because the strength of natural selection is dependent on the direction and magnitude of phenotypic responses to environmental signals. Therefore, the connection between plasticity and adaptation will depend on the patterns of plasticity harbored by ancestral populations before a change in the environment. Yet few studies have directly assessed ancestral variation in plasticity and tracked phenotypic changes over time. Here we resurrected historic propagules ofDaphniaspanning multiple species and lakes in Wisconsin following the invasion and proliferation of a novel predator (spiny waterflea,Bythotrephes longimanus). This approach revealed extensive genetic variation in predator-induced plasticity in ancestral populations ofDaphnia. It is unlikely that the standing patterns of plasticity shieldedDaphniafrom selection to permit long-term coexistence with a novel predator. Instead, this variation in plasticity provided the raw materials forBythotrephes-mediated selection to drive rapid shifts inDaphniabehavior and life history. Surprisingly, there was little evidence for the evolution of trait plasticity as genetic variation in plasticity was maintained in the face of a novel predator. Such results provide insight into the link between plasticity and adaptation and highlight the importance of quantifying genetic variation in plasticity when evaluating the drivers of evolutionary change in the wild.


National Science Foundation


Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences









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