Evolutionary transition from degenerate to nonredundant cytokine signaling networks supporting intrathymic T cell development


Lawir Divine-Fondzenyuy,Hess Isabell,Sikora KatarzynaORCID,Iwanami Norimasa,Siamishi Iliana,Schorpp Michael,Boehm Thomas


In mammals, T cell development critically depends on the IL-7 cytokine signaling pathway. Here we describe the identification of the zebrafish ortholog of mammalian IL-7 based on chromosomal localization, deduced protein sequence, and expression patterns. To examine the biological role ofil7in teleosts, we generated anil7allele lacking most of its coding exons using CRISPR/Cas9-based mutagenesis.il7-deficient animals are viable and exhibit no obvious signs of immune disorder. With respect to intrathymic T cell development,il7deficiency is associated with only a mild reduction of thymocyte numbers, contrasting with a more pronounced impairment of T cell development inil7r-deficient fish. Genetic interaction studies betweenil7andil7rmutants, andil7andcrlf2(tslpr) mutants suggest the contribution of additional, as-yet unidentified cytokines to intrathymic T cell development. Such activities were also ascertained for other cytokines, such as il2 and il15, collectively indicating that in contrast to the situation in mammals, T cell development in the thymus of teleosts is driven by a degenerate multicomponent network of γccytokines; this explains why deficiencies of single components have little detrimental effect. In contrast, the dependence on a single cytokine in the mammalian thymus has catastrophic consequences in cases of congenital deficiencies in genes affecting the IL-7 signaling pathway. We speculate that the transition from a degenerate to a nonredundant cytokine network supporting intrathymic T cell development emerged as a consequence of repurposing evolutionarily ancient constitutive cytokine pathways for regulatory functions in the mammalian peripheral immune system.


Max Planck Society

EC | FP7 | FP7 Ideas: European Research Council


Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences



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