Hashimoto Yukiko,Kawakatsu Hidekazu
Japanese Society for Pediatric Nephrology
Literature and Literary Theory,History,Cultural Studies
Reference14 articles.
1. 1) Yu F, J. -P. Huang, W. -Z. Zou, M. -H. Zhao: The clinical features of anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated systemic vasculitis in Chinese children. Pediatr Nephrol 21: 497-502, 2006.
2. 2) Hattori M, Kurayama H, Koitabashi Y.: Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Autoantibody-Assciated Glomerulonephritis in Children. J Am Soc Nephrol 12: 1493-1500, 2001.
3. 3) 急速進行性糸球体腎炎診療指針作成合同委員会: 急速進行性腎炎症候群の診療指針. 日腎会誌 44: 55-82, 2002.
4. 4) 池田昌弘: 急速進行性腎炎. 小児診療 66: 580-584, 2003.
5. 5) 秋岡祐子, 服部元史: 急速進行性腎炎. 小児診療 69: 687-690, 2006.