1. USDA‐ARS‐SRRC, Sugarcane Res. Lab. Houma LA 70360
2. Dep. of Plant Sci. Univ. of Tennessee Jackson TN 38305
3. Dep. of Soil and Crop Sci. Texas A&M Univ. College Station TX 77843
4. Dep. of Entomology and Plant Pathology Mississippi State Univ. Mississippi State MS 39762
5. USDA‐ARS, Cropping Systems and Water Quality Res. Unit Portageville MO 63873
6. USDA‐ARS, National Peanut Res. Lab. Dawson GA 39842‐0509
7. Dep. of Crop Sci. North Carolina State Univ. Raleigh NC 27695‐7620