1. Univ. of Arizona; Dep. of Soil, Water and Environmental Science, Environmental Research Lab.; 2601 E. Airport Dr. Tucson AZ 85756
2. USDA-ARS, Genetics and Precision Agriculture Unit; P.O. Box 5367, 810 Hwy. 12 East Mississippi State MS 39762
3. Loma Linda Univ., School of Public Health; Dep. of Environmental Health, Nichol Hall; Loma Linda CA 92350
4. Drexel Univ.; Dep. of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering; 3141 Chestnut St., 4-270K Philadelphia PA 19104
5. Univ. of Arizona; Dep. of Soil, Water and Environmental Science; 1177 E. Fourth St., Shantz Bldg., Rm. 429 Tucson AZ 85721