1. Years of Transition. Post-Communist Europe and the IMF (2014). IMF Regional Economic Issues. Special Report, October 2014. Available at: https://www.imf.org/external/region/bal/rr/2014/25_years_of_transition.pdf, accessed 27.09.2021.
2. Annual Report-2010. Appendix II Financial Operations and Transactions (2010). IMF. Available at: https://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/ar/2010/eng/, accessed 27.09.2021.
3. Annual Report-2020. Appendices (2020). IMF. Available at: https://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/ar/2020/eng/downloads/appendix.pdf, accessed 27.09.2021.
4. Annual Report on Exchange Arrangements and Exchange Restrictions-2014 (2014). IMF. Available at: https://www.imf.org/external/pubs/nft/2014/areaers/ar2014.pdf, accessed 27.09.2021.
5. Annual Report on Exchange Arrangements and Exchange Restrictions-2015 (2015). IMF.