Management of integrated processes in the system of the agricultural sector of the national economy


Gavkalova NataliiaORCID,Denysiuk Olga, ,


The article examines the role of the agro-industrial complex as a basis for the development of the economy of rural areas in the context of European integration priorities. The essence of the "agro-industrial complex" concept and its structure were analyzed. Scientific views on the role of the agricultural sphere in the economy through the prism of trends in the development of the world economy are determined. It is well-founded that the main criterion for assessing the role of the agro-industrial complex in the economy of rural areas is the employment level of the population. The agricultural sector's role in Ukraine's regions is analyzed based on the employment criterion. A mechanism for developing the agro-industrial sector as the basis of the economy of rural areas is proposed, the implementation of which is based on integration, investment, and innovation directions. The purpose of the work is substantiated. Namely, theoretical knowledge and its application in solving specific production tasks in managing integration processes in the agro-industrial complex in market conditions are investigated. The methodological basis of the study is the scientific achievements of domestic and foreign scientists on the formation and use of agricultural potential and the peculiarities of its management in the conditions of integration into the global economic space. Measures have been established to improve the management of integration processes in the agricultural sector as a prerequisite for the growth of this economic sector in the modern space. The economic efficiency of agribusiness production, measures for integration into the global economic space, and the strategy for further development of the agro-industrial sector were studied. Keywords: agriculture, market, potential, state regulation, rural development, profitability, management, integra-tion processes.


Drukarnia Madryd


Rehabilitation,Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation,General Medicine

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