Biomethane: production, economy, and opportunities for connection to gas distribution networks of Ukraine


Pavlov Konstantin1ORCID,Pavlova Olena1ORCID,Tymchyshak Andriy1ORCID,Osvitsinskyi Bohdan1ORCID,Marchuk Vadym1ORCID


1. Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University


The purpose of the work is to study the peculiarities of starting the production (generation) of biomethane in Ukraine, as well as to substantiate the economical features and the possibility of connecting the biomethane generation center to gas distribution networks in the regions of Ukraine. The methods used to study the specified problem are analytical; comparative; theoretical; empirical; systemic; functional; economic and sociological possibilities of application. The production and practical use of biomethane in various production processes of farms, as well as for its consumption by the population for domestic purposes, will contribute to a significant reduction in energy costs. It will contribute to increasing the energy independence of biomethane consumers, as well as the formation and further development of new (regional) enterprises specializing in biomethane production. The results of the research consist of: a thorough study of the concept of biogas and biomethane, raw materials and production technology; technical and economic justification for the construction of a biomethane plant; comparison of the cost of production and sale of electricity and biomethane from biogas; the regulatory and legal aspect regulating the processes of registration, maintenance of the plant, as well as further trading of biomethane; ways and conditions for connecting biomethane producers to gas distribution networks in the regions of Ukraine. All the research results listed above will contribute to the start of biomethane production in the regions of Ukraine. Summarizing the outlined features of connecting biomethane producers to gas distribution networks, the following aspects are worth noting: 1. Operators of gas distribution networks will not buy biomethane directly from producers. After all, the biomethane producer must find a supplier in Ukraine or abroad, or the producer can sell biomethane directly to an industrial consumer. In this case, a supplier's license, or the producer's consumption of biomethane is required. 2. The high level of natural gas prices is increasingly forcing large consumers to look for alternatives to natural gas. Therefore, for agricultural producers, this production cycle is closed. The high level of natural gas prices allows biomethane projects to have a high level of profitability. The process of decarbonization requires abandoning fossil fuels and replacing them with clean, new types of energy, including biomethane. 3. Biomethane compared to electricity. Today, the level of payment for electricity from the state under the "green" tariff is 30-40% of the total level of payment. The state limits payments and reduces opportunities to receive a "green" tariff, valid until 2029, and every year the rates are lower for new facilities. Keywords: Biomethane, biogas, hydrogen, biomass, gas distribution networks, connection to gas distribution networks.


Drukarnia Madryd


General Medicine

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