1. Institute of Agroecology and Environmental Management of NAAS
2. Institute of Industrial Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
3. National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
4. National Bank of Ukraine
The article discloses the methodological foundations of energy efficiency management based on the author's definition of the essence and content of the organizational and economic mechanism of increasing the energy efficiency of the national economy as a complex system of interacting organizational-technological, management-administrative and economic-ecological levers and regulators aimed at the rational use of available energy resources to optimize energy consumption, reduce energy costs and increasing the overall productivity of the state economy while rationalizing the development of the country's natural resource potential. The set of principles for implementing the national energy efficiency policy has been improved, the consideration of which is due to the catastrophic state of the energy sector and the urgency of its reconstruction, dividing them into five groups. The scale and nature of the destruction of the energy sector and environmental pollution because of large-scale military aggression of the Russian Federation are shown. The organizational and economic mechanism incorporates tools of a different nature, together with legal regulations, financial and credit support, technical and technological innovations, management decisions, and other measures that will contribute to the achievement of goals in the context of increasing energy efficiency and ensuring energy saving in industries and productions of the national economy. A complex set of priority levers and regulators has been formed to synchronously implement three constitutively crucial tasks: restoration of the domestic energy sector after destruction, rationalization of the development of natural resource potential, and improvement of the economy's energy efficiency. It was noted that the country's post-war recovery in the context of increasing the level of energy efficiency due to the introduction of renewable and alternative energy sources requires comprehensive information and educational and communication support. It is shown that the development of the organizational and economic mechanism for increasing energy efficiency requires the formation of its structure according to seven target sub-mechanisms, considering the destruction of the energy infrastructure and facilities. An algorithm of managerial actions regarding the formation and implementation of the organizational and economic mechanism for increasing the energy efficiency of the national economy in nine stages has been developed.
Keywords: energy efficiency, energy saving, organizational and economic mechanism of increasing energy efficiency, principles of action implementation, target sub-mechanisms, the algorithm of management actions.
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