Global experience of economy building in the post-war period


Khodakevich Serhiy1ORCID,Zhuravlev Oleg2ORCID,Strizhak Arthur1ORCID


1. Kyiv National University of Economics named after Vadym Hetman

2. Professional Association of Corporate Management


In the context of prolonged confrontation with russian aggression, the economy of Ukraine suffers from the destructive impact of war. It operates with numerous economic and socio-economic restrictions, which negatively affect the country's further development. It is noted that the vector of strategic post-war recovery should be multi-directional, incorporating the experience of European countries in post-World War II reconstruction and contemporary history, as well as the experience of Asian countries and other nations, such as Israel. Each case is unique, and its success depends on many conditions and prerequisites. This article examines the global experience of individual countries representing different regions, different periods of challenges, other conditions, and strategic orientations. Special attention is given to the experience of Balkan countries, particularly Bosnia and Herzegovina. The states, reform directions, sources of financing, and consequences of implementing various plans are analyzed. The possibilities of adapting them to the domestic experience are determined. Based on the generalization of global experience, the main strategic directions of post-war reconstruction are identified: institutional transformations through structural reforms, monitoring of fund utilization, and security measures. It is determined that Ukraine needs to develop its concept of structural economic transformation in line with current conditions and create comfortable living conditions for Ukrainian citizens, relying on international financial assistance. The banking sector must also undergo institutional changes and develop a program for working with problem assets. When developing post-war development programs, it is worth focusing on attracting new external investors, international aid and grants, and structural transformation with a focus on sectors with high added value, thereby foreseeing the transition from a raw material development model to a productive, innovative, energy-independent Ukraine. Keywords: international financial assistance, economy, stabilization programs, grants, banks, restructuring, infrastructure, loans, countries, assets.


Drukarnia Madryd


General Medicine

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