


1. National Research Center "Institute of Agrarian Economics"


Introduction. When choosing an export market, it is important to consider all possible options to select the most export-friendly country. The countries of South and East Asia are the most heterogeneous in socio-economic terms. The countries of this region include Japan, South Korea, Singapore and Taiwan, they are capitalist countries with diversified economies. Mongolia has only embarked on a path of economic and political reform after 70 years of totalitarian rule, and North Korea is now a unique state that still builds communism based on a command system in the economy and a totalitarian regime in politics. The purpose of the study is to study the agri-food market in Asia and prospects of its development for producers and exporters of food products from Ukraine. The study was conducted using the following methods: structural and functional, comparison, abstract-logical. Results. The reasons for the search for new markets by Ukrainian exporters are identified. The general situation on the meat and dairy market of Asian countries, the level of product consumption and trends in consumer choice are considered. Potential countries for export were identified, and indicators of imports of certain products by countries were studied. The place of the countries in the world food market, tendencies of development of trade for the last years is outlined. The main exporters to certain countries, as well as sales channels have been studied. The study identified a number of potential countries for the export of meat and dairy products from Ukraine. The current state of retail trade in the target countries was considered in detail, as well as the main players in the market. For the first time, recommendations for exporters to enter the Asian market were identified and provided. Conclusions. Further research can be carried out to identify the main trends in the choice of exporters by buyers from the Asian region and development opportunities for Ukrainian exporters in the target region. Prospects for ongoing research can be development of standards and guides for expention of Ukrainian agri-food exports to Asian countries. Key words: market, export tendencies, agri-food products, development.


Drukarnia Madryd


General Medicine

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