1. Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding
Introduction. Most scientific approaches to measuring human capital link it to a country's national wealth and focus it on the national level, but there are methods for assessing the regional dimension of this category. However, the goals of measuring human capital at different levels of socio-economic development remain uncertain. The valuation issue of some components of human capital is also problematic, which necessitates a certain limitation in the coverage of cost characteristics and their replacement by natural indicators. And, as always, there are doubts about the objectivity and reliability of statistical information in terms of income, because it is very difficult to estimate the income of the shadow economy.
The aim of the article is to study the place of Ukraine in the global ranking of human development.
Results. It is established that the dynamics of Ukraine's position on world indicators of human development has deteriorated slightly over the period 2014-2019, except for the improvement in 2019 of Ukraine's position on the Prosperity Index, but 96th position of our country in 2019 does not correspond to the level achieved in 2014 (61st place) prosperity rating. World rankings indicate the deterioration of human development in Ukraine for the period 2014-2015. The Global Human Capital Index (HCI), which quantifies human capital that a newborn can expect to accumulate before the age of 18, is examined to determine the risk associated with deficiencies in the health and education system of the country of residence. HCI tracks the vector of life movement of the newborn until adulthood. Ukraine is in the third group of countries with a human capital index of 0.60 ≤HCI <0.70.
Conclusions. Based on the analysis of scientific approaches to the formation of global rankings for human development and human capital, a mechanism for the development of national human capital on the basis of digitalization, which should be understood as a system of interconnected methods of systematization and scientific modeling using tools, principles and indicators.
Key words: mechanism, global rating, human capital, human capital index.
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