Introduction. The increase in imports of dairy products from European countries leads to increased economic pressure on dairy enterprises in our country. To maintain its own market share, as well as to expand it, it is necessary to improve the quality of its own products and, accordingly, reduce its cost, i.e., to strengthen its competitiveness. Today, one of the most common management decisions is the introduction of lean production at the enterprise.
The purpose of the article is to analyze the key elements of lean production and their possible practical use in dairy enterprises.
Results. The article describes the general characteristics of the concept of "lean production", the main task of which is to provide tools to reduce losses of actions that do not create value. Theoretical aspects of eight key losses in Toyota's philosophy are analyzed: 1. Overproduction is untimely or excessive production compared to the order. 2. Losses during transportation – excessive transportation of materials, semi-finished products, finished products. 3. Unnecessary movements are any movements (movements) of people, tools or equipment that do not add value to the final product. 4. Expectations – breaks in work associated with the expectation of human resources (labor), materials, equipment or information. 5. Additional or redundant processing – additional effort that does not add value to the consumer. 6. Excess stocks – excessive supply of raw materials or other materials used in the production process. 7. Defective product – products that require inspection, sorting, disposal, downgrading, replacement or repair. 8. People – incomplete use of human mental, creative abilities and experience. In addition, specific examples of these losses are given on the basis of the work of dairy enterprises and their causality is established. General recommendations for the implementation of the Lean system in production are given.
Conclusions. When moving towards innovative development and strengthening the company's competitiveness, it is necessary to take into account the modern world experience of innovative activity, including the experience of creating lean production. Although, of course, one cannot blindly adopt experience, it must be adapted to the peculiarities of both the domestic economy and the mentality of its employees.
Key words: losses, Lean production, competitiveness, quality, cost.
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