1. Kharkiv National Agrarian University named after V. V. Dokuchaiev
Introduction. Land resources are a unique natural resource that is territorially limited. The specifics of land use have a significant impact on not only the socio-economic, political, demographic situation, but also environmental and qualitative indicators, and geographical location of land. World experience proves that the rational and efficient use of land resources contributes to the economic development of countries.
The purpose of the article is to study the existing mechanisms of economic incentives for the rational use of agricultural land in Ukraine and provide suggestions for their improvement.
Results. The largest in area are agricultural lands, the priority of which is emphasized in the Land Code of Ukraine. Therefore, the issue of increasing economic incentives for the rational use of agricultural land in Ukraine does not lose its relevance. According to the results of the research, the economic stimulation directions of rational use of agricultural lands in Ukraine are revealed, which will allow increasing the volume of nature protection measures, and will promote further rational use of land resources. The results of the study prove the relevance of improving approaches and mechanisms to economic incentives for rational use and protection of land, the search for new areas of economic incentives for rational use of agricultural land in Ukraine. One of such effective directions is full-fledged involvement of landowners and land users in the processes that ensure the preservation of land, restoration and improvement of their condition.
Conclusion. Attracting funds from individuals and legal entities will increase the volume of measures to combat the manifestations of negative processes and increase the level of responsibility of landowners and land users for economical land use. Taking into account the level of implementation of environmental protection measures, including relevant investments, during the introduction of the preferential taxation system, will encourage landowners and land users to rationally use land resources and improve their quality. It should be noted that this mechanism will be effective under certain conditions.
Keywords: economic incentives; land resources; land protection; tax benefits; rational use.
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