


1. Mykolaiv National Agrarian University

2. Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies


Introduction. Sustainable development of agricultural production in Ukraine involves taking into account social, economic and environmental aspects, which is implemented in many specific directions and measures. The purpose of the study is to assess the social effectiveness of sustainable development of agricultural production in the conditions of the national economy openness. Results. The dynamic of the share of Ukrainian households expenditures on food, non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages, and tobacco products in the structure of their total expenditures is analyzed. The expenditure share of Ukrainian households on alcohol and tobacco is considered. The analysis of the expenditure share on alcoholic beverages and tobacco in the structure of total household expenditures by age groups, depending on the size of average cash equivalent total income in 2016-2018 has been done. The results of the consumption analysis of meat and meat products, milk and dairy products, fruits, berries and grapes (without wine processing) for 1 person in the population from 2000 to 2018 are presented. The trends of rising consumption in studied groups of products other than milk and milk products has been identified. The difference between search and regulatory types of forecasts is considered. These forecasts are calculated to consider product groups. The inability to reach the target consumption values within the planned period of time is determined. The dynamics of the Consumer Price Index for food and non-alcoholic beverages in individual EU countries and USA are examined and downward trends are identified. The reasons for the galloping rise in food prices in Ukraine are given. The dynamics of rural and urban population in Ukraine is analyzed. The dynamics of the average monthly wage by types of economic activity is analyzed. The results of the analysis of highways of Ukraine with hard cover by categories are given. The volume of passenger transportation by bus is considered. The analysis results of the housing equipment of rural households by water supply, sewerage and modern sanitary facilities are presented. The analysis results of the receipt lack of certain types of medical aid by rural and urban residents (deprivation) are presented. Conclusions. The dynamics of the expenditure share of Ukrainian households on food, non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages, tobacco in the structure of their total expenditures confirms the poverty of the Ukrainian population. There is a low consumer culture of the population in Ukraine. The structure of consumption expenditures is explained by the considerable level of differentiation of population different segments incomes. The dynamics of rural and urban populations in Ukraine confirms the steady decline of rural residents. The main reasons for the decrease in rural population are identified. The unsatisfactory level of social component of sustainable development of agricultural production in Ukraine has been proved. Keywords: agricultural production, sustainable development, social infrastructure, rural territories, food security, social component of sustainable development, social efficiency.


Drukarnia Madryd

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